Our special needs muay thai classes are placed on hold while Coach Thiago is in Thailand for the IFMA 2017 Youth World Championships. Classes will resume on Thursday, 8/17/17. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the office at 480-275-7820.
I’m looking into your special needs Muy Thai classes. My son is speech delayed and takes things a bit slower than other kids. I was hoping your class could help him with better self esteem and to teach him to protect himself from bullys. Ryker just turned 6 yesterday.
Hello Crystal,
We would love to have your son come in and try a class! We work very hard to improve self esteem, and the natural side effect of taking a martial art is the ability to protect oneself. You can email us at sitangymaz@gmail.com or call the office at 480-275-7820 to let us know which Thursday works best for you.